
Our Home Trust
wireless application allows users of Internet enabled devices to:
- Access current investment rates that Home Trust is offering
- Contact Home Trust via e-mail or a one button phone call
- Set up a "rate alert" where the user of the phone is alerted
if a particular investment rate reaches a desired purchase level.
Purchasing an investment product is then just one button away!
- Get a current Home Trust stock quotation
- Many more features to come!
To get a more accurate view of the applications from your Internet
enabled phone, and to use the fantastic rate alert feature just enter:
- Click and drag the rollerwheel to scroll/focus elements on the
- Click the rollerwheel to select the current item (The rollerwheel
can scroll and can click)
- Use the softbuttons (left & right) to perform the command
labelled above it
- To enter text with the keyboard, wait until prompted, click
the rollerwheel and use the keyboard. Click the rollerwheel or
enter when complete
Please note that although functional, the Home
Trust WAP site is a work in progress. Some features (such as
one-touch dialing) will not be functional in this demo.