For more than 20 years, Ezenet has been developing and administering
secure financial software systems for banks and financial institutions.
From small mortgage brokerage houses to leading Schedule I Banks, Ezenet
has a proven track record in delivering customized financial applications
and software solutions.
Loans (fixed and variable rate)
- Personal
- Commercial
- Mortgages
- RSP loans
- Mortgage investor servicing
- MBS management
- Lease administration
- Asset-backed securitization
- Conduit securitization
- Cash management (all teller functions)
- Securities management
- Retirement savings products (RSP, RIF, LIF, RESP)
(managed and self-directed)
Retail Delivery
- Savings and checking transaction accounts
(multiple interest and service charge options)
- Linked line of credit
- Overdraft management
Term Deposits
- Short-term cash deposits
- Medium and long-term notes
- Index-linked GICs
- Step-rate GICs
Ezenet's solutions are cost-effective and integrate with the client's
general ledger to save time and labor, and improve productivity and efficiency.
Ezenet provides all required financial and regulatory reports.
