Where is the company incorporated?
EZENET was incorporated in Canada and holds a U.S. subsidiary EZENET
USA Inc.

Where is the company headquartered?
5160 Yonge Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON
M2N 6L9
Phone: 1-416-218-2188
Toll Free: 1.888.773-5555
Fax: 1-416-218-2189
U.S. Headquarters
EZENET USA (A fully owned subsidiary of Ezenet Corp.)
1 Copley Parkway, Suite 309
Morrisville, NC 27560
Toll Free: 1-800-773-5555

What does the company do?
EZENET is a leading software solutions and integrated technologies
provider for the financial industry. Ezenet's technology and software
solutions are currently deployed in major financial institutions including,
chartered banks, trust companies, credit unions, insurance companies
and leasing corporations.
Ezenet's back-end solutions allow banks and financial institutions
to outsource their operations and offer their customers a wide-range
of banking services including on-line mortgage and lease applications.
Ezenet is currently working with partners and affiliates to develop
products and services that will allow financial institutions to bring
wireless and Internet applications to their customer base. By working
in partnership with wireless service providers and front-end solution
providers, Ezenet will offer total end-to-end integrated technology.
A range of front-end applications will be designed to complement Ezenet's
existing back-end and middleware solutions.

Where can I get more information about the company?
Additional information, including our prospectus, can be obtained from
the Canadian System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR).

Which financial institutions are currently your customers?
EZENET has longstanding relationships with the following clients:
- Acadia Financial Services
- AGF Trust Company
- Alberta Municipal Affairs
- Alberta Treasury Branches
- AMA / Bridgewater Financial Services Ltd.
- Bank of Montreal
- Bank of Nova Scotia
- Canada Life Assurance Company
- Canada Trust
- Canadian Mortgage Capital Corporation
- Canadian Western Bank
- Canadian Western Trust
- Credit Union Central of B.C.
- Credit Union Central of Manitoba
- Credit Union Central of Ontario
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- CIT Group
- Dundee Securities Corp.
- Effort Trust Company
- First Marathon Mortgage Corp.
- Household Financial
- HSBC Investor's Group
- IOF Foresters
- Landmark Savings and Loan
- Laurentian Bank of Canada
- Lend Lease Canada
- London Life Insurance Company
- Maple Trust Company
- Maritime Life
- Merrill Lynch Canada
- M.R.S. Trust Company
- National Bank of Canada
- NN Financial
- Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Systems
- Peoples Trust
- Penmor Investment Services Ltd.
- Promutuel Capital
- RBC Insurance
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Security Life
- Sherwood Credit Union
- Terrapin Investments
- Toronto Dominion Bank
- TD Waterhouse
- Vancouver Police Credit Union

What is EZENET's stock symbol and where does it trade?
Ezenet trades on the TSE under the symbol "EZE".

When and where will you hold your next AGM?
Ezenet's Annual General Meeting will take place at 10:00 am on Wednesday
May 30, 2001. The venue is the Toronto Stock Exchange Conference Centre
located in the Exchange Tower at 130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario.

When is your fiscal year end?
Ezenet's fiscal year end is December 31.

Who are your transfer agents?
Montreal Trust Company of Toronto and Calgary, Canada.

What are the total amount of shares issued and outstanding?
Total shares issued and outstanding as of October 31, 2000 are 13,876,248.
